A Useful Talent Toi Have

Random Reviews and Thoughts.

The name…

If you are wondering what the name is about, picture this scenario.  You are winning, and think it’s all over for your opponent.  Everything is in your favor.  You are the constant underdog, a foreigner, and with a somewhat negative image due to your short temper.  You’re going to win, when suddenly… Carriers arrive and decimate your entire army, and its GG (good game) for you.  This is what happened to Greg ‘IdrA’ Fields, who was so enraged, that he could not, and would not GG with grace.  Instead, he typed the lines “you’re really good at making carriers”, and as his opponent (and the winner of that match) replied “thanks” (perhaps not understanding sarcasm), IdrA responded with “very useful talent toi have” and left the game without a GG.

Vintage IdrA at his finest.

What does that have to do with this blog?  Hopefully we can find other useful talents toi have!

February 6, 2012 Posted by | Uncategorized | , , | Leave a comment